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Virgin Coconut Oil – The mother of all oils

Lets know the Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

We all know normal coconut oil but not with Virgin Coconut oil which is the mother of all oils. Yes, what you read is correct. Virgin coconut oil is extracted from the fresh coconut milk with and without application of heat. It can be consumed directly without any alterations or further processing. This shows that it doesn’t undergo chemical refining, bleaching and deodorizing. It has no colour, sediment and natural fresh coconut scent.

The most important medium chain fatty acid in it is Lauric acid, which accounts for 48%. USA has done various studies on virgin coconut oil’s anti-microbial properties. Two of his most significant conclusions are that lauric acid is the most active antimicrobial fatty acid. In addition, monolaurin is the most effective antimicrobial compound derived from cocoa chemicals. Some studies have shown that virgin coconut oil can help improve brain function in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Why it is called as Mother of all Oils?

There are a great deal of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in virgin coconut oil, which makes it the mother of all oils. It has been extracted from the pure coconut kernel without chemical processing and that is why it is the purest form of coconut oil. As a medium chain triglyceride oil, VCO is widely used in weight loss treatment.


We can use it for massages, baby care, and hair applications such as dandruff treatment and hair loss if it is of high quality. It is one of the most effective oils for treating skin infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi.

It is also rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E; it slows down the ageing process and assures the highest quality of life and beauty for your skin.

It can aid in digestion by promoting the growth of good bacteria in your gut and improving nutrient absorption

It has a long shelf life, and can be stored at room temperature without going rancid. Despite its health benefits, virgin coconut oil is high in calories and should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Do you wonder why Virgin coconut oil has so many benefits? Yet, there are many more benefits. Give a try and order from Ebenus EXIM Enterprises.

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